Tag Archive for: residency
Introducing: Observership Programs powered by My Psych Board
/in GeneralI bet you didn’t know we offered Observership programs right here at My Psych Board!
Yes, that’s right… we are your one-stop-shop place for all your studying needs, prep, and learning (and that’s not going to change)… We’re much more than your average Board Exam prep Q-Banks. But wait, we have much more to offer you.
We can help get YOU into an Observership program which is an essential part of your career journey.
So what is an Observership & Why do residents need this?
Imagine an Observership as a Medical Internship that can be done both in person and via Telehealth to give residents practical, hands-on experience.
As part of this experience, you will be required to watch and listen to patient histories, physical examinations, procedures, surgeries, outpatient appointments, teaching rounds, and educational conferences. The entire experience is generally longer than a day, but no longer than 4 weeks!
The importance of this can not be overlooked.
Most students will need to cover Observership hours to complete their residency.
Now of course this may not be required in your field so if you’re unsure if you need this (or just want to be safe) just send us a DM via our Instagram (@MyPsychBoard), Email, or drop us a call so we can point YOU in the right direction.
Ready to get started? Contact us today! We can’t wait to travel with you along your journey to passing your Psychiatric Board Exams!
DID YOU KNOW: The USMLE Exam is Pass/Fail. Here’s what’s changed!
/in Board Prep, StudyingWhen taking the USMLE Exam you will receive a pass/fail result instead of the previous “3-digit score”. Did you know that…? If not.. well…now you do!
So what’s changed?
Well, honestly nothing besides the score… This shouldn’t change how you’re currently preparing or taking the test so prepare for the USMLE Step 1 as you would if it was still a numerical score. The exam isn’t easy and asks you to apply scientific information to novel situations.
To prepare just take it step by STEP (pun intended…). Keep your anxiety low by figuring out the most effective study strategies that work best for you. Once you find your ideal strategy, you can focus only on learning instead of saying… “Oh no…. I have to learn this, I have to do that, oh my!”. Don’t worry about what COULD be and focus on the perfect strategy you’ve put into place.
Finally, remember you’re more than just a number or a test score so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!
Residency programs are now going to take into account much more than a “Step 1 Score”. Pull together a letter of recommendation, evals, clinical exams, your service, research, and anything else that may show them why you stand out from the crowd. Be you, but be prepared.
You got this! —
If you’re ready to have help in passing your USMLE head over to exams.mypsychboard.com to try our free question banks OR schedule a call with one of our experts. We can help build YOU a custom studying plan tailored to your needs.
Let’s work together and pass your USMLE Exam!
Need additonal help or tutoring? Contact us today! We’ll help YOU pass your Boards with ease!
A quick overview of the PRITE Exam
/in Board PrepThe Psychiatry Resident-In-Training Examination or “PRITE” is a resource used by residents and training programs.

It’s used by residency programs to evaluate resident preparedness for the board exams. Typically during each year, residents in psychiatry take this exam. The test is administrated by the hospital where the residency program is located.
There are two types of each PRITE. The “Regular” PRITE and the Child PRITE.
The “Regular” PRITE is comprised of 300 questions which are tested and administered in two parts. It covers areas including (but not limited to); Neurosciences, Clinical Neuro/Psych, Behavioral/Social Sciences, and Issues in Practice.
The Child PRITE on the other hand was created for child Fellows. It’s a 200-question exam that contains child and adolescent psychiatry issues, topics, and more in-depth. Coverage areas include (but are not limited to); Clinical Neuro/Psych, Neuroscience, Development, Epidemiology, and treatment from infancy through Adolescence/Early Adulthood.
Although we’ve covered full exam costs in previous blog posts, to summarize the Regular PRITE is $140 to take whereas the Child PRITE is $125.
It’s our goal to help you pass the exam specific to your needs. We offer a full suite of practice Q-Banks on the PRITE and other resources which can help you pass your boards with ease.
Get practcing with our Question Banks (via our Free Trial) today! Still, feeling uneasy or overwhelmed? Contact us and we can help YOU pass your boards with ease!
Who Is My Psych Board ?
Prepare to pass your board exams with ease! My Psych Board offers access to four question banks, each uniquely tailored to the studying needs for those preparing to take the ABPN Certification Examination, PRITE Examination, USMLE – Psychiatry and Neurology categories, and Nurse Practitioner Examination.
My Psych Board is created by experts in the field and covers all the topics you need to master in order to pass your board certifying exams. Feedback is given immediately in Practice Mode as questions are answered, including in-depth explanations that accompany each question for both correct and incorrect answer options. Additionally, students have the option of accessing a one-time phone call with Dr. Abdel to discuss their best studying strategies and one-on-one tutoring to help them gain maximum preparation. My Psych Board is customer oriented; we take your feedback seriously and are always looking for ways to improve the user experience.
Our Top Tips: How to Survive Your Psychiatric Residency!
/in General, Health and Wellness
Ok, hear us out for a minute… Surviving your residency is easier than you think.
YES, of course, that’s a loaded statement… NO, we aren’t saying it’s not incredibly challenging (because it is…) but we promise you’re overthinking it. You CAN do this. You may have heard horror stories or that it was the worst moment of someone’s life but let’s be real.
It shouldn’t be.
Thousands before you have done it and thousands after you will do it too.
How you handle it makes all the difference in what you’ll get out of your residency. Here are 5 TIPS on how to survive:
Before you begin anything, you should always go in with the correct mindset. If you think things are going to be horrible…then they will be! But if you go in understanding that there will be both highs and lows, you’ll be better prepared to face them.
This goes with most things in life. The company you keep will help get you through hard moments. That’s what friends are for. But this support system should also be those around you too! Other residents know what you’re going through, so be sure to include them. It helps so much!
We’ve said this before and we’ll say it again: Take care of your mind AND body! Don’t bottle things up, talk to your support system, and get further help if you need it. It’s a challenging time. Outside of this, being active works WONDERS. Your body will thank you.
You don’t know everything (that’s why you’re here). Don’t be a “know it all”, it can come back to hurt you. If you’re asked something and you’re really unsure, say that! Saying I don’t know will help you get the answers you need. Don’t feel silly. You’re learning!
It will get better!!! The start can be overwhelming and a lot to take in, but use that support system. Once you get in the groove, you’ll start to feel much more relaxed. Give it time. It’s long, draining, and emotional but there are perks. They may not last long but the amount of information and experiences you’ll take away from it, in the end, is all worth it.
You got this, you can survive… you can thrive!
Still, feeling overwhelmed?
Contact us and let’s talk through it together.
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29099 Health Campus Dr.
Suite 280
Westlake, OH 44145
(216) 293-0282