the USMLE is pass/fail text

DID YOU KNOW: The USMLE Exam is Pass/Fail. Here’s what’s changed!

When taking the USMLE Exam you will receive a pass/fail result instead of the previous “3-digit score”. Did you know that…? If not.. well…now you do!

So what’s changed?

Well, honestly nothing besides the score… This shouldn’t change how you’re currently preparing or taking the test so prepare for the USMLE Step 1 as you would if it was still a numerical score. The exam isn’t easy and asks you to apply scientific information to novel situations.

To prepare just take it step by STEP (pun intended…). Keep your anxiety low by figuring out the most effective study strategies that work best for you. Once you find your ideal strategy, you can focus only on learning instead of saying… “Oh no…. I have to learn this, I have to do that, oh my!”. Don’t worry about what COULD be and focus on the perfect strategy you’ve put into place.

Finally, remember you’re more than just a number or a test score so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!

Residency programs are now going to take into account much more than a “Step 1 Score”. Pull together a letter of recommendation, evals, clinical exams, your service, research, and anything else that may show them why you stand out from the crowd. Be you, but be prepared.

You got this! —

If you’re ready to have help in passing your USMLE head over to to try our free question banks OR schedule a call with one of our experts. We can help build YOU a custom studying plan tailored to your needs.

Let’s work together and pass your USMLE Exam! 

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