girl taking exam with text "retaking your board exams? here's what to do differently"

The time has finally come… you’re locked in, ready to go, and you’re going to ace your retake exam. Why? Because you’ve followed our TOP 5 tips that ensure your success in passing your Psychiatric Board Exam with ease!

1 – Analyze Your Weak Points

If you know where you struggled with most in the last board exam you can hone in on intaking as much information as you can retain. These don’t need to just be areas you did pool on previously, but could also be ones that could be further reinforced. Try out My Psych Board’s customizable tests that zero in on your most missed questions!

2 – Focus On The NOW

The past is the past, there’s no point in going back! The only way to move in a positive direction is forward. Learn from your mistakes and how you can apply what you’ve learned for better-guaranteed results. If you stay focused on past failure it’s only going to bring negativity and additional stress to your study sessions.

3 – Create A Plan

When studying it’s essential to make the most of your time. Create a plan tailored to your needs. Before you can even begin studying you need to make sure you have all the resources you need. Organize items into folders, check you have all the materials you need, and tidy up your study spot.⁠

4 – Utilize Detailed Questions Banks (like ours here)

With detailed Q-Banks, you’ll get the blueprints, questions, detailed information, vignettes, and more!⁠ Within the question breaks, you can get real-time feedback on correct answers, and learn where you’ll need to continue to improve.

BONUS TIP: Did you know we offer FREE Trials of all of our Question Banks? Click here to try today (with no credit card required…)

5 – Take Regular Breaks

As with anything don’t overdo it, You need to ensure you aren’t pushing yourself too far! When you’re studying and preparing for the exam you’re taking a mental health break. This will help break up your studying time, keep you from feeling overwhelmed, and ensure you’re retaining all the information you’re taking in.

Still, feeling uneasy? Contact us and we can help YOU pass your boards with ease!

How To-Choose the best path when studying for your Psychiatric Board Exams!

How To: Choose the best path when studying for your Psychiatric Board Exams!

An image reading "Choose the best path when studying for your Psychiatric Board Exams!" - in the image is a dark path for stressful exam prep OR a light path for easy studying.

When taking your journey there are many choices you can make that will either help or hurt you in studying. Would you want to take a path that seems rocky & has a higher chance of failure OR one that is sunny & straightforward?

Everyone is different when it comes to taking tests & exams BUT, if you go into your exam with a clear plan your odds of passing become so much higher already!

🤨 “So what’s your advice then?”

You’ve taken tests all your life & know what works for YOU. Take a look back at some of your best / worst tests. Write down the areas you think hurt you & those that helped so you won’t make the same mistakes. Just focus more on the positive areas than the negative.

If you spend more time worrying & less time studying/creating a plan you’re just going to make things worse. You’ll just stress yourself out. The exam is only a small moment in time so don’t let it run months of your life.

⏰ Since we’re talking about time, remember to pace yourself!

Some people finish within seconds to spare & others finish early, but again, we’re all different. There are a few strategies that you can put into place. We’ve outlined two, but we recommend researching more about what others have done.

1️⃣ Review & Tag Method:
Read your question & choose the answer you think is right after thinking quickly about it. Tag questions for review & return to them later. This will keep you moving quickly through the exam hitting questions you’re confident about. When you complete the questions go back & spend more time on the ones you weren’t sure about.
(*Some exams do NOT allow tagging. DM us if you want to learn if you’ll be affected).

2️⃣ Using every second:
It’s not a race, so if you’re the type who feels more confident taking it slow then do it! Spend as much time as you can considering each option & remove the choices you know that wouldn’t be correct. It’s better to answer every question than to leave it blank. You still have a higher chance it’s right.

When your exam is done, leave it in the past. There’s no point saying “I should’ve done this”.Well, that’s enough for now so we will focus on what to do AFTER your board exams in a future post…

Stay tuned!

Did you know we offer additional tutoring? Contact us today to learn more! OR Jump right in with our FREE question banks!

How to make the most of DOWNTIME while in school!

How to make the most of DOWNTIME while in school

Text reads "How to make the most of DOWNTIME while in school!" it shows 2 students walking into a beautiful school and then a desk inside with a green chalk board.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with school or maybe you feel as if you’re not doing enough..?⁠

Here are our top 3 tips on how YOU can make the most of your downtime while in school.. it’s not all books and tests, you can have fun too!⁠

Stay Active!

Exercise is crucial to your mental health, not just physical! Getting up and being active can help by reducing anxiety and depression, improving your mood and self esteem! Studies show it also alleviates social withdrawal and improves your ability to study and learn!

Be Social!

Talk to your fellow students and friends! It will break up the monotony of your classes. Go do something you enjoy, join a club, or just go grab coffee. Being social ALSO has positive effects on your study routines!

Study Study Study!

This should go without saying…make sure you use your time wisely! Although the other topics are essential to your mental health…so is studying!

📲 SHARE this with someone who could use the help! Are you enjoying these tips? Check out our previous post on how you can get the most out of studying. It’s a lifesaver…

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website ( to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!

image of book with text "how to get the most out of studying"

How to Get the Most Out of Studying

image of book with text "how to get the most out of studying"

This past week we took time to speak with leading professors, current students, and recent graduates to learn more about where the biggest issues in studying take place and how you can overcome it!

✨ Welcome to our top 5 Studying Secrets!

Before you can even begin studying you need to make sure you have all the resources you need. Organize items into folders, check you have all the materials you need, and tidy up your study spot.

Find a place distraction free and put your phone on do not disturb. When finding your spot, try to keep this away from your bedroom if possible. Believe it or not..It can cause additional stress on you when you’re trying to sleep if this is where most of your work and studying take place!

You’ll begin to feel less stressed knowing you have allotted time in your day to put in the work. Stick to it, no matter how hard it may be — its essential.

Maybe it’s something you missed in class? Maybe you’re not understanding? Support each other! Review notes, make corrections, and talk it out. It will seem less like a chore when you’re interacting with others… just make sure when you notice the studying is becoming unproductive you stop, get up, walk around, and take a break for a moment. Focus on something else..It’s ok to breathe.

Yes… we know… it’s not always going to be fun but it can be Create games, go online, have group study sessions, and create rewards for yourself Remember why you’re studying so hard in the first place. It will all be worth it soon.

Did you know different STUDY STYLES can make a difference on how prepared you feel? Check out our blog on just this topic here! Did you also know we have tailored Question Banks to ensure you are passing your boards with ease! Check out our FREE Trial here.

If all else fails, talk to your teacher directly. Discuss the pain points, ask what helped them, and try to change your routine up. Most teachers said they actually wish more students would talk to them.. after all they were in your position before. They’re just like you!



Send this with someone who is just as stressed as you were, let’s help each other!

Need additional help? Contact us today!