creating long lasting study habits

How to create study habits that are long lasting!

Your study habits can make or break your success in school.

If you’re already struggling with how to create long-lasting study habits, have no fear… you’re not alone! May students go through the same issues as you.

The solution for long-lasting study habits is straightforward!

First, find a place to study regularly, consistency is key!

You might find that having a set time and place in which you study helps keep your motivation high as well. Even if you’re a procrastinator and tend to put it off until the last minute, finding a place that’s comfortable for you will make all the difference.

Next up: keep track of deadlines and important dates. If you know what’s coming up then you can plan accordingly and make sure not to procrastinate!

Once you’ve got those two things squared away, you’ll want to start thinking about how you study best. — Maybe it’s listening to music while reading; maybe it’s taking notes on index cards; maybe it’s something else entirely! Whatever works for you is great! Just remember: what works for someone else might not work for you.

After all your base preparation, don’t stuff & cram for your exams!

Instead, just relax and get ready for what’s ahead by practicing some relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. You’ll be surprised how effective these methods can be at helping calm down before big tests or projects!

Once you’re relaxed and have taken time for your mental health jump back into it! Throughout the weeks set aside time to quiz yourself with appropriate materials or question banks to ensure you’re retaining the information!

Still, feeling uneasy or overwhelmed? Contact us and we can help YOU pass your boards with ease!