Tag Archive for: routine

Failed Your Psychiatric Board Exams? What should you do now?

Failed Your Psychiatric Board Exams? What should you do now?

So let’s say you’ve taken round one and failed… what now?⁠

Firstly, it’s ok! You’re human, breathe. Take a break and avoid freaking out. Take a moment to step away and have some much-needed “you time”. You’ll want to clear your head and get a new perspective, if you need a week or more…take it!

Now that you’ve taken time for yourself, it’s time to jump back in. Create a realistic timeline and schedule that will work for you. Cover the big areas and focus on where you were unsure.⁠

Don’t be afraid to change your studying routine. Ask yourself — Are there issues with your previous method? Do you have all the right/up-to-date resources? Are you staying away from distractions?⁠

Finally, when you’re going back in keep it focused on the questions and stay out of your head. We know it’s easier said than done but everyone goes through ups and downs. Check out our post on what to do differently when retaking the boards for more inspiration!

You may learn something from this experience!

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

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How To: Create the PERFECT Morning Routine to maximize your success!

Image shows a man with brown hair running through a beautiful forest and mountain rage. The image is "How To: Create the PERFECT Morning Routine to maximize your success!"

Starting off the week on the right foot can completely change how your week plays out! ⁠

This is a KEY part in helping you pass your boards. If you wake up, rush around, and fill your morning with stress it’s most likely that your day will be filled with stress. It can feel like a marathon if you just wake up and jump into the day. That will then hurt your odds of having a successful study session. ⁠

Studies from @Forbes show that waking up earlier than usual has incredible health benefits. They state it gives you ample time to focus on your goals and conquer the day with more energy, mindfulness, and strength.⁠

✨ Here are some helpful tips we’ve complied after doing some additional research!⁠

• Let’s start with the obvious..get a good night’s sleep…you need to be RESTED for your brain to function properly. ⁠
• Avoid the snooze button!⁠
• Instead of snoozing, wake up a few minutes earlier and give yourself enough time to wake up. You can Lay in bed for a few minutes and ease out of bed.⁠
• Write down your thoughts! This could be a to do list for the day, or just general thoughts. Talking about your stressors on paper can also help relieve them.⁠
• Eat something, your brain needs nutrition. Even if it’s something small!⁠
• Do something you enjoy, this could be working out, going for a quick walk, reading a book and so on!⁠
• Drink a full cup of glass of water before you leave the house (or start working/school if you do it remotely from home). ⁠
• Don’t rush! Give yourself enough time. If you know you have to leave by a certain time try and be ready 10-15 minutes before that and make sure you have everything you need.⁠

Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!