Tag Archive for: question banks

How can our study resources help YOU pass your board exams? Let us explain!

Have you ever used a company that books flights, cars, and hotels, and provides travel information? It’s perfect because you get everything you need all in one place, and it takes the stress out of traveling.

Hmm…Sounds familiar? That’s because we do the same… but for your Board Exams!

We are your one-stop website to help you learn, study, and easily pass your boards in your free time.

So why do you need to go anywhere else when everything is covered here? We offer: 

  • Free Trials
  • Niche-specific question banks
  • Expert assistance 
  • Up-to-date content
  • Telehealth observership/preceptorship programs (with an offered DISCOUNT on question banks!)

Whether it’s a q-bank trial, blog content, free helpful videos, or anything else you may need…Choose My Psych Board each time.

Our only goal is to see you succeed!

Access our question banks here to get started with a FREE trial (with No CC Required!) — Still, feeling unsure about your studies? Contact us and we can help YOU pass your boards with ease!

Who is My Psych Board?

Prepare to pass your board exams with ease! My Psych Board offers access to four question banks, each uniquely tailored to the studying needs of those preparing to take the ABPN Certification Examination, PRITE Examination, USMLE – Psychiatry and Neurology categories, and Nurse Practitioner Examination.

Within our customer service, we strive to provide you with the tools necessary to overcome any of your questions and obstacles that may get in your way. From general information, tutor calls, and just being someone to talk you through the challenging times of taking your board exams; we’re here for you!

Getting the facts straight: Truth and LIES about the USMLE Exam

When preparing for the USMLE Exam it’s important to get the facts right.

Getting the facts straight: Truth and LIES about the USMLE Exam

First, Let’s sort out the USMLE LIES…

The more you put off your test and study, the better your score is going to be.

Studies show that cramming can actually be hurtful. Med school is a full-time job and you need to manage your time wisely. You should study alongside your course work AND practice practice practice… But if you take too long and say you’re not ready, you may lose info that you focused on months or weeks back.

Using as many resources as you can leads to a better score.

This will just flood your brain with info. The most ideal way to study is by using practice question banks that imitate real-life tests. While everyone had various study methods, research shows that the Practice Q-Banks hold higher retention than lectures or reading combined.

Practice Question Banks are all the same!

NOPE. You want to ensure you’re not just getting the information correct but that it matches the real-life test. Many question banks are NOT formatted properly and will only just feed you endless information… Thankfully, our USMLE question bank is formatted to get the most out of your learning experience. Studies have proven members who use formatted practice q-banks have a much higher score/pass rate.

NOW, Let’s get the TRUTH right so you can pass your USMLE With Ease!

The more practice questions you study with, the higher your USMLE Score will be.

As we covered before about the Pract. Q-Banks, you want to ensure you’re studying with resources that will benefit you. They say practice makes perfect and this is 100% true!

There is no “one perfect way” to prepare for the USMLE Exam.

Find a study plan and create one that works for YOU. Everyone is different so don’t listen to the noise others spew about how YOU should be studying.

With the right study plan, you will pass!

This goes with any test and we’ve covered it before, put in the work, create a plan, and dive in. If you’re prepared it’s almost impossible to fail.


We hope this helps! What other lies or statements have you heard? DM or Contact Us to let us know. We love hearing your feedback!

The ABPN Exam Blueprint and Format Broken Down

If you’re walking into your ABPN exam unsure of what’s to come it can just complicate and add stress to the process.

Two of the most common questions we get are… 

“How is the Psychiatry Certification Exam formatted?” and “Are there any breaks during the Exam?”. 

We are here to break it down and walk you through the process!

Let’s start out with breaks!

Naturally, when taking an exam that’s 425 questions across 8.5 hours, we can’t imagine not being able to take a moment to collect your thoughts. Due to this, you’re given some time for yourself.

The exam is broken up into 8 total sections and after completion of each, you’ll have the opportunity to take a break. You’re allotted 60 total minutes of break time and you can choose to use as little or as much time as you wish.

So what happens if you use up all your break time?

You won’t just be forced back into the exam and can choose to keep taking as much time as you need (outside of your 60 total minutes). With that said, note that any time outside of your 60-minute time frame will be taken from your exam time. You are expected to manage your pace and timing of the exam. The optional break sections are part of the pooled break time. Once taking a break, a proctor must log candidates in after breaks. Candidates must be signed in and out each time they enter and leave the testing room.

ABPN Exam Format
Looking for more? Click on over to here for more information on the exam, OR check out our FREE video library that has resources that go over the ABPN exam, question formats, topics, and more!

Our Multi Modal Psychiatric Question Banks: Perfect on the go!

a mac, iphone, and ipad are laid out on a blue background. On each of the screens are a section of the "My Psych Baord" website and question banks.

Life can be fast paced and it can seem like finding the right time and place to study is impossible.

Not everyone has the luxury of sitting down in front of a desktop or laptop for hours every day.⁠ We understand that we need to keep up with your hectic schedule and find ways to make that time FOR you.

We have created a means of doing that by offering our Question Banks either at home OR on the go! Our website can be accessed and used from desktops to mobile smartphones to tablets. With user-friendly interface, we want to create the perfect studying tool that you can use- wherever you are.

With our ✨ Multi Modal Question Banks ✨ you can study with ease no matter where you are! Whether you’re at home on your laptop, on the go with your phone, or kicking back on your tablet you can access all our Question Banks unrestricted. You should be able to access materials to study for your exams in the way that is easiest for you, whether that’s sitting at a desktop or cramming a few questions in between rotations. Our goal is to make our products accessible no matter what the situation is.

All you need to do is go to our website, sign in, and start testing! 🥳 Want to try it out RISK FREE? Give our Free Trial a whirl and see how we can help you!

⁠Did you know we offer a FREE trial for our question banks? Just head over to our website (exams.mypsychboard.com) to get started today risk-free (with no Credit Card required!)

Feeling like you need a bit of extra help?

Contact us OR sign up for our tutoring!