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“My Psych Board Qbank- and especially vignettes- are top notch, thanks to Dr. Abdel for putting in the effort. ”

“When I contacted My Psych Board with a question, they responded immediately and were so helpful and professional. Definitely recommend!”

“As a fellow having taken some time since residency to take my boards, I was in a quandary about what board review to utilize. So I decided to do them all. Crazy, I know.

With that said, I felt the My Psych Board QBank was most relevant to the actual board examination as compared to Board Vitals, Beat the Boards, or Spiegel. With half of the exam being vignettes, it’s important to pick a Qbank that can test you on those linked questions. MPB has that. I also found many of the MPB answers in the MGH Psychiatry Board Review Book. Supplement MPB Qbank with the MGH Psychiatry Board Review book (thick, I know) and you’ll be solid for the exam in my opinion.”